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How to provide better value to your customers?

There is a saying in business that the customer is Lakshmi. It means your business is centered around your customers. You have to be able to digest the set even if your customer says something bad to you. Because if one person gives bad feedback about an organization to one person, it goes to ten others. And so it takes a long time to build a brand but it doesn't take 10 minutes to destroy it. So the focus should be on how to provide better value to the customer. One is discussed in more detail below:

1. Provide a good customer experience

Try to give a good experience to someone who lands on your page, be it a buyer or just a visitor. Because if you show some doubt in your speech and behavior, the job is done. Because even if he doesn't buy, he will request others not to buy from here. But if he has a good experience with you, he will refer you to buy from you in the future even if he doesn't buy.

2. Provide real time support

Try to provide real time support to customers. Means if someone wants to know something then explain it directly to him in audio or video call in a nice way. By doing this, he himself will feel comfortable. And real time support is much preferred by clients.

3. Adjust the response time of messages and comments

This is a serious problem. It appears that someone has messaged your page but you are replying after another hour. This makes it more likely that you won't have a client than you will. A statistic says that if you don't reply to a message or comment on your page within 30 minutes, you are more likely to lose that client. But I would say try to reply to any message or comment immediately or within 5/10 minutes at most.

4. Use positive words in the speech

Never speak negatively to the customer. Always try to speak positively. If he tells you something that is difficult but possible, never tell him or say it's complicated or this. Because he will think you can't do it. This may create a negative impression about you.

5. Let the customer do the talking

Yes, let the customer do the talking. There are many who sit and say while talking to the customer, I understand your problem, now I am telling you. Don't forget to do this because you will listen to the customer and then reply. It is part of your professionalism. So first listen to what the customer says.

6. Focus more on solving customer problems

Try to focus more on solving customer problems. Someone came to your page means they want to buy your product or service. So he should focus more on identifying the problem and solving it.

7. Train the customer service team

You must have a team to provide this customer service. Who will only provide customer service. But they may make several mistakes which can sink your business. So train them yourself before hiring them. By doing this you can make them like you.

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How to provide better value to your customers_#EnhancedValue #CustomerSatisfaction #ProductQuality #PersonalizedExperience #CustomerSupport #Feedback #SpecialOffers #EducationalContent #EasyPurchasing #SocialResponsibility


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